Maintaining a good credit file is crucial for accessing the best financial products and achieving your life goals. However, a County Court Judgment (CCJ) can significantly impact your credit score and affect your ability to get approved for loans, credit cards, and even mortgages.
A CCJ remains on your credit report for six years, even if you’ve paid it off. This can make it incredibly difficult to get approved for credit and often results in higher interest rates. Many lenders see a CCJ on your credit file as a red flag, which may lead to rejected applications or unfavorable terms.
To improve your credit score and financial outlook, it’s important to consider CCJ removal. At CCJ Assist, we specialize in removing CCJs through methods like consent orders and negotiation with creditors. Removing a CCJ can help you restore your creditworthiness, giving you the freedom to move forward with key financial milestones—whether it’s getting a mortgage, securing a car loan, or simply improving your financial standing.
If you’re dealing with a CCJ, taking steps to address it as soon as possible can make a significant difference. Contact us at CCJ Assist to learn how we can help you remove a CCJ from your credit file and get your finances back on track.